The Pilot’s Way

  • Mastering the Art of Tailwheel Landings

    I am continuing my tailwheel training. I’ve discovered that taxiing in the Citabria is not as challenging as it initially seemed, but it still demands smooth, gentle and precise manipulation of the pedals. There are two distinct landing methods: the first involves maintaining a nose-high attitude, allowing the tailwheel to touch down first, and then…

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  • Flying a Tailwheel Airplane: Challenges and Thrills

    As I’ve mentioned before, I need to accumulate 250 hours of total flight time to meet the requirements for a commercial pilot’s license. During this time-building process, I am considering flying different types of aircraft to gain variety of experience. One endorsement I am pursuing is for a tailwheel aircraft. This will not only improve…

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  • Night Flight Adventure

    During my previous visit to Florida, I completed almost all the commercial requirements related to night hours, except for one: a 2-hour cross-country flight. I had hoped to fly it, but circumstances prevented that flight. This time, it seemed like the flight was finally going to happen. I checked the airplane in advance, ensuring we…

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  • A Flight Adventure to Jacksonville

    Today, I completed another cross-country flight to Jacksonville Executive. Our route traversed a restricted area, which, when active, prohibits flying within a specified altitude range. The activation of this area can be time-specific or indicated by a NOTAM. If the area is active, I must either avoid it or fly at an altitude outside the…

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  • To Be Continued

    This post is becoming traditional when I resume my flying after 1-3 months interruption. The blog is still alive, and my goal is getting closer. I am grateful to be flying again. Today, I spent over an hour in the air, practicing various types of take-offs and landings: normal, short field, and soft field. I…

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  • Great Books for the Oral Part of the Checkride

    These books are perfect for the oral test preparation. They are clear and well-structured, utilizing Q&A format, and they exist for every FAA checkride type from private to ATP.

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  • Choosing the Right FAA CPL Written Test Prep

    I’m in doubt: I feel that, in general, I am ready for the FAA CPL written test. I have gone through the official FAA materials, but I’d like to use a question bank for evaluation. When it comes to EASA subjects, it is pretty easy as there are only two providers: bgsonline and aviationexam, both…

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  • Taking Small Steps Towards the Dream: Studying Principles of Flight

    When you have a goal, it’s better to take small steps towards it regularly, ideally every day. As you may already know, my goal is to become a pilot. Currently, I have a private pilot license, but I don’t have the opportunity to fly due to my day job, but I am using my free…

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  • Adjusting Priorities: My Revised Flight Career Plan and Goals

    It seems that I need to adjust my priorities compared to my plan that I made in December. Currently, due to my job, I have to remain in Moscow, which means I am unable to fly at the moment. Moreover, obtaining US visas has become more challenging, and the risk of not being granted an…

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  • Making the Most of Flight School: Flying to Tampa Executive Instead of Taking Uber

    Typically, students from our school who come from abroad opt for Tampa International Airport for their arrival or departure. It’s approximately 100 km away, and the common means of transportation is Uber. However, as flight school students, shouldn’t we utilize airplanes? Moreover, many of us require more flight time, so why not make it worthwhile?…

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airports approaches ATPL BE76 C150/C152 C172 Canada check checkride citabria complex CPL cross-country EASA endorsement Europe exam FAA FAA/EASA FI flight time Icaro IFR IR Italy landings logbook malfunction maneuvers ME medical navigation night paperwork plans PPL rating study resources tailwheel TCCA theory thoughts travel USA weather


04/09/2017: My First Flight
04/25/2017: EASA PPL written exam (6 exams passed)
05/21/2017: Radio Operator Certificate (Europe VFR)
05/22/2017: EASA PPL written exam (all passed)
05/26/2017: The First Solo!
05/28/2017: Solo cross-country >270 km
05/31/2017: EASA PPL check-ride
07/22/2017: EASA IFR English
08/03/2017: 100 hours TT
12/04/2017: The first IFR flight
12/28/2017: FAA IR written
02/16/2018: FAA IR check-ride
05/28/2018: FAA Tailwheel endorsement
06/04/2018: FAA CPL long cross-country
06/07/2018: FAA CPL written
07/16/2018: FAA CPL check-ride
07/28/2018: FAA CPL ME rating
08/03/2018: FAA HP endorsement
06/03/2019: EASA ATPL theory (6/14)
07/03/2019: EASA ATPL theory (11/14)
07/15/2019: FAA IR IPC
07/18/2019: FAA CPL SES rating
08/07/2019: EASA ATPL theory (done)
10/10/2019: EASA NVFR
10/13/2019: EASA IR/PBN SE
11/19/2019: Solo XC > 540 km
12/06/2019: EASA CPL
12/10/2019: EASA AMEL
02/20/2020: Cessna 210 endorsement
08/30/2021: FAVT validation
05/27/2022: TCCA CPL/IR written
05/31/2022: Radio Operator Certificate Canada