Tag: endorsement

  • Yet Another First Solo: Flying a Tailwheel Airplane

    I still vividly recall my my first solo flight ever in an airplane. It’s hard to believe, but more than six years have passed since then, and my life has undergone significant changes. Now equipped with a Canadian pilot’s license, I am actively seeking employment or, at the very least, opportunities to log more flight…

  • Rediscovering the Joy of Tailwheel Flying: A Delightful Experience

    Rediscovering the Joy of Tailwheel Flying: A Delightful Experience

    As you may already know from my previous posts, I am pursuing a career as a pilot, and currently, I am working on obtaining my Canadian Flight Instructor Rating. In the meantime, as I already hold a Commercial Pilot license, I have been actively searching for job opportunities or more affordable options for flight experience…

  • Cessna 210 Endorsement

    Currently I have both FAA and EASA licenses, and they have some differences related to maintaining currency or set of endorsements. Some airplanes require a separate type rating. Usually that applies to large aircrafts like Boeing 737 or Pilatus pc12, requires some training and an exam. The ratings are being added to the license. Some…

  • High-Performance Airplane

    Commercial pilot license requirements contain 10 hours of complex airplane flight time (at least it was so in 2018 – as far as I know, now only technically advanced aircraft time is required). Complex airplane means the one with a retractable gear, flaps and constant-speed prop. But from the April 2018 it is not required…

  • Mastering Spin Recovery: Essential Training for All Pilots

    Spin training is part of the flight instructor course, but I believe it’s valuable for all pilots. While it’s best to recognize and prevent a spin in advance, sometimes sh*t happens anyway, and it’s crucial to know how to handle it. In theory, the process isn’t very complicated: neutralize the ailerons, stop the rotation with…

  • Mastering the Art of Tailwheel Landings

    I am continuing my tailwheel training. I’ve discovered that taxiing in the Citabria is not as challenging as it initially seemed, but it still demands smooth, gentle and precise manipulation of the pedals. There are two distinct landing methods: the first involves maintaining a nose-high attitude, allowing the tailwheel to touch down first, and then…

  • Flying a Tailwheel Airplane: Challenges and Thrills

    As I’ve mentioned before, I need to accumulate 250 hours of total flight time to meet the requirements for a commercial pilot’s license. During this time-building process, I am considering flying different types of aircraft to gain variety of experience. One endorsement I am pursuing is for a tailwheel aircraft. This will not only improve…