Tag: flight time

  • Flying near Rocky Mountains

    I am flying again! It’s been more than a year I haven’t flown at all, and I missed it a lot. Finally I can spread my wings again! Pilot must fly, it is the rule. Skills are deteriorating without practice. The process is slower for experienced pilots, but practice is still essential. And, of course,…

  • CPL Long Cross-Country

    Solo cross-country flight of more than 300 nautical miles (it is about 540 km) with at least two full stop landings in different airports other than a departure airport is a requirement for any Commercial Pilot. This is correct both for the EASA and FAA, but FAA also requires that one of the airport should…

  • Seaplane Rating

    Now I am studying theory for the EASA ATPL exams, and sometimes it is very tiring and boring (sometimes it is fun though). Anyway, I decided to take a small vacation and go flying (I am a pilot, right?) I mentioned that I have been training for my IPC, and since I am in the…

  • In The Sky Again

    Since the beginning of the year I spend almost all my spare time on exams preparation, and now I have only 3 subjects ahead. One of them is Meteorology (which is not so easy), but it’s still only three exams of 14. I foresaw that it would be very challenging, but still did not know…

  • At the Controls Again

    It’s been quite a long time I did not fly: my previous flight was in Warsaw in October. I was studying ATPL subjects since then and did not practise at all. Today I made a flight to renew my SEP (Single Engine Piston) VFR rating. We used Cessna 152, and I remembered the feeling of…

  • Demystifying Flight Time Logging: Navigating Tricky Differences in Aviation Regulations

    Logging the flight time can be a challenge when you need to meet the requirements of different authorities such as FAA, EASA and Transport Canada. While they share many similarities, there are some crucial differences that you should know to stay out of trouble and probably save some money. Firstly, let me explain some terms.…

  • Lake-City

    At the weekends I used to fly from the early morning, but this Saturday I decided to sleep some more: it is not a good idea to fly if you’re tired. Today the weather was good, so it was possible to fly to Lake-City. So, why that place? First of all, the weather is much…

  • High-Performance Airplane

    Commercial pilot license requirements contain 10 hours of complex airplane flight time (at least it was so in 2018 – as far as I know, now only technically advanced aircraft time is required). Complex airplane means the one with a retractable gear, flaps and constant-speed prop. But from the April 2018 it is not required…

  • Fly-In Breakfast Adventure: the Fun of a Busier Airfield

    Today we had a fly-in breakfast at a nearby airport, about an hour’s flight away. This airport does not have a dedicated communication frequency, so in these cases in Florida, we should use either 122.9 or 122.75. In our case, it was 122.9. Despite arriving rather early, we heard a lot of traffic on the…

  • Navigating around Thunderstorms on the Way to Gainesville

    As I already mentioned, I encountered an issue preventing an IFR flight with the school’s black N4642J due to an oil temperature problem. However, the weather conditions were still suitable for flying, and another aircraft became available. By 2:30 pm, there was still an opportunity to make a flight to Gainesville and back. The weather…