The Pilot’s Way

  • Flying Touch-and-Goes: My First Steps to Mastering Landings

    Flying Touch-and-Goes: My First Steps to Mastering Landings

    We have started practicing touch-and-goes, where the airplane touches down and immediately takes off again without stopping. This helps to make landing practice quicker, as we save time by avoiding full stops and taxiing back to the runway. Luckily, I can fly circuits at my home aerodrome without having to pay landing fees, which is…

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  • Navigating the Beauty and Danger of Clouds

    Navigating the Beauty and Danger of Clouds

    Today’s flight was especially beautiful. Previously, the sky was clear with no clouds in sight. On a sunny day, everything appears blue and homogeneous. However, today is totally different; one can see clouds of various sizes and shapes. Initially, it can be a little bit scary, as these cute, fluffy, and innocuous things are very…

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  • Clear for Takeoff: Conquering Medical and Aviation English Exams

    Today was a big day for me: I got my medical certificate and passed the ICAO English exam (which is required for a non-native speaker). I’m feeling pretty happy right now! For those who don’t know, every pilot needs to pass a medical examination to ensure they are healthy enough to fly. There are three…

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  • Exploring Stalls: Conquering Fear and Gaining Confidence

    Exploring Stalls: Conquering Fear and Gaining Confidence

    Today is my second day of flight training, and I have the pleasure of flying with a B737 pilot who has a very positive attitude and speaks English in a clear and understandable manner. I had planned to mount my action camera for better analysis of my mistakes and easier progress monitoring. Unfortunately, when I…

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  • From Two Dimensions to Three: My First Airplane Lesson Experience

    I just had my first flight today, with an instructor of course. Everything was completely new, unfamiliar, and incredibly interesting! Now I understand how difficult it is to maintain altitude, direction, and engine RPM while keeping an eye on what’s happening around you. I’ve been driving for over ten years, but being in a three-dimensional…

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  • Pilot’s blog: My Route to the Sky

    Pilot’s blog: My Route to the Sky

    Quick navigation: First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Viktor, and I hold Commercial Pilot Licenses (Transport Canada, FAA and EASA). In 2022 I moved to Canada, flew skydivers for one season, and now I am instructing in a local flight school. My quick CV: It’s been a while since I got…

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airports approaches ATC ATPL BE76 C150/C152 C172 Canada check checkride complex CPL cross-country EASA endorsement Europe exam FAA FAA/EASA FI flight time Icaro IFR IR Italy landings logbook malfunction maneuvers ME medical mood navigation night paperwork plans PPL rating study resources tailwheel TCCA theory thoughts USA weather


04/09/2017: My First Flight
04/25/2017: EASA PPL written exam (6 exams passed)
05/21/2017: Radio Operator Certificate (Europe VFR)
05/22/2017: EASA PPL written exam (all passed)
05/26/2017: The First Solo!
05/28/2017: Solo cross-country >270 km
05/31/2017: EASA PPL check-ride
07/22/2017: EASA IFR English
08/03/2017: 100 hours TT
12/04/2017: The first IFR flight
12/28/2017: FAA IR written
02/16/2018: FAA IR check-ride
05/28/2018: FAA Tailwheel endorsement
06/04/2018: FAA CPL long cross-country
06/07/2018: FAA CPL written
07/16/2018: FAA CPL check-ride
07/28/2018: FAA CPL ME rating
08/03/2018: FAA HP endorsement
06/03/2019: EASA ATPL theory (6/14)
07/03/2019: EASA ATPL theory (11/14)
07/15/2019: FAA IR IPC
07/18/2019: FAA CPL SES rating
08/07/2019: EASA ATPL theory (done)
10/10/2019: EASA NVFR
10/13/2019: EASA IR/PBN SE
11/19/2019: Solo XC > 540 km
12/06/2019: EASA CPL
12/10/2019: EASA AMEL
02/20/2020: Cessna 210 endorsement
08/30/2021: FAVT validation
05/27/2022: TCCA CPL/IR written
05/31/2022: Radio Operator Certificate Canada