Today we had a fly-in breakfast at a nearby airport, about an hour’s flight away. This airport does not have a dedicated communication frequency, so in these cases in Florida, we should use either 122.9 or 122.75. In our case, it was 122.9.
Despite arriving rather early, we heard a lot of traffic on the frequency: about three or four airplanes nearby and two airplanes in the circuit.
The airport had a long concrete runway, but almost no clearway. There were some trees pretty close to the runway, so the effective takeoff and landing distances were limited by those trees.

There was no FBO there, but there were some nice houses and a cafe. Some walking paths were painted as runways!

The event attracted some interesting airplanes and even one gyroplane.

On the way back, the ceiling became lower (still acceptable for VFR flight below the clouds), and I wished I had taken our C172 instead of the non-IFR C150 to fly higher =)
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