Navigating around Thunderstorms on the Way to Gainesville

As I already mentioned, I encountered an issue preventing an IFR flight with the school’s black N4642J due to an oil temperature problem. However, the weather conditions were still suitable for flying, and another aircraft became available. By 2:30 pm, there was still an opportunity to make a flight to Gainesville and back. The weather forecast indicated FM1900Z VCTS и BKN40CB, suggesting possible thunderstorm activity in the vicinity, though it appeared in nearly all forecasts this time of the year. Thunderstorms typically occur consistently in specific areas at approximately the same time each day, easily visible from a considerable distance.

The radar presented a favorable picture, reassuring my decision to fly to Gainesville. I filed an IFR flight plan, once again, with the intention of honing these skills. The prevailing weather conditions, however, were visual.

I observed distant thunderstorms on the way to Gainesville, and even encountered a small cell sitting on the direct route. Consequently, I requested a deviation due to weather. After successfully avoiding this cell, I received a direct route to the airport and landed on a longer runway.

I opted to depart immediately since thunderstorm clouds were distant from the airport at that moment, although that could change rapidly. I requested and obtained my clearance, took off, and flew back to Crystal River. At 3000 feet, I encountered some cumulus clouds, but approximately 20 miles from Gainesville, the sky completely cleared. I was delighted that I had chosen to fly today 🙂





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