IR Part 141, Lessons 9 and 10: Improving Proficiency with VOR and GPS

It’s vital for an instrument pilot to be proficient with airplane navigation equipment. We’re continuing with VOR and starting with GPS. All airplanes have the Garmin 430, and its interface is not very complicated. However, the main problem is multitasking: it’s not so easy to fly the airplane properly and simultaneously tune frequencies while communicating with ATC.

Today we flew 08H, a great airplane with a more powerful engine than our other Cessnas. Some students don’t like her flaps switch (hold, 1-2-3, release), but for me, it’s even more straightforward than the “usual” one.

The weather today promised a cloud ceiling at 6200 feet and scattered clouds at 3000 feet. Anyway, I was still flying “under the hood” and couldn’t see anything except the instruments, and the instruments don’t show clouds. I’m already missing visual flying!

I’m pleased with my progress. With more experience, it turns out we have enough time to tune frequencies, push buttons, and even listen to the ATIS (weather and aerodrome information). The journey goes on!






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airports approaches ATPL BE76 C150/C152 C172 Canada check checkride citabria complex CPL cross-country EASA endorsement Europe exam FAA FAA/EASA FI flight time Icaro IFR IR Italy landings logbook malfunction maneuvers ME medical navigation night paperwork plans PPL rating study resources tailwheel TCCA theory thoughts travel USA weather


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