One more important step for getting a job is complete: I added Multi-Engine and Instrument Rating to my EASA license.
EASA Instrument Rating does not automatically applies to all class and type ratings in the license (like FAA), so I had to pass two different checkrides.
Basically CPL with these ratings allows to apply for jobs in airlines. Nowadays it’s better to also have MCC and UPRT certificates, but they can be done in a week. Some airlines also require a type rating, but sometimes it’s a part of airline training.
So if I had a work permit in any European country, I’d apply for a job right away, but I don’t, so it will require some more effort. But at least I have a license with all necessary ratings.
What can I do now? I will try to find a job, increase my flight experience (still on my own) and continue learning languages. I’d appreciate any aviation-related contacts as well, I believe that networking is important too. It’s a small world.
And now I am going to have some rest and celebrate Christmas and New Year. This year was really tough, mainly because of the ATPL theory. I suppose that finding the first job will be even more challenging, but at least I won’t have to study so much. I have something in mind, but I will write about my plans later 🙂
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