The morning weather was not cooperating, and I thought my flight would be cancelled. But around 10 am, the clouds started to dissipate and the weather briefing showed no thunderstorms in the near future, so it seemed like we could take off after all!
Our route today was to the southeast, and I was excited to visit Stankovice, a small aerodrome with a grass runway that I had not yet flown to.
However, on the direct route, I encountered some low clouds. As I am not yet instrument-rated, I had to find another route with better visibility. I turned to the south and found clear skies. After flying for a few miles, I discovered a wide, comfortable corridor to the east.
Usually, small aerodromes like Stankovice are empty and unmanned, but to my surprise, I received a response from someone on the ground who even spoke English. It was lucky, and it was a good opportunity for me to practice my communication skills.
Stankovice’s grass runway was marked with a white centerline, which is not common for grass airfields at all.
It was lunchtime, and I decided to indulge in another “$100 hamburger.” The city was beautiful, with a charming castle and river. The food was delicious and inexpensive. I really enjoy my time building!
On the way back, I spotted a long concrete runway that was not marked on aeronautical charts. I flew closer to get a better look and found a large, wide concrete runway with taxiways, but with no markings or tower. It was likely an old military airfield, and I noticed two roads crossing the runway and some bikers on the tarmac. It was a shame that such a perfect airfield was not being used for airplanes anymore…
Finally, I made some touch-and-goes at some airfields near my home base and landed safely. Just a few miles before touching down, I encountered a light rain. The runway became wet, but visibility remained okay. Unfortunately, the rain continued until the evening.

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