Today, I went on my first IFR flight! Actually, it was not my flight but rather an opportunity to jump in during another student’s lesson in a Cessna 172. Since my theoretical background in IFR is low, practicing it on my own would be almost useless. But learning from someone else’s experience is extremely useful and interesting. Best of all, it was totally free for me!
Our destination was Karlovy Vary, a famous spa resort in the western part of the Czech Republic. We flew there not because of the spa but because of the ILS (Instrument Landing System) at the airport. We made ILS and RNAV approaches. I am happy to say that I understood a lot during the flight, and I hope that I will feel more confident when I take my own lessons.
I have started to consider adding photos to my blog (finally!), because upon reviewing it, I found that it looks dull and sad, with a lot of text and no images. Please enjoy the pictures!
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