Finding the Silver Lining: Perfect Weather for Practice Landings

Today, the weather is gloomy with wet, cold, and misty precipitation. In fact, it even snowed yesterday! The heavy gray clouds create a dark and dull atmosphere.

However, there is an advantage: there is absolutely no wind. The ceiling is higher than pattern altitude, making it the perfect weather for practicing landings. I am starting to feel the proper height for flare, and the plane is not ballooning. My landings are so smooth!

Perhaps there is another factor contributing to my successful landings: I have recently watched many movies about landing techniques, which has boosted my self-confidence and reduced my nervousness. I am applying the controls more smoothly, and I even have time to communicate. The calm winds and stable air are undoubtedly helping me as well.

Unfortunately, I will not be able to fly for the next three days as the airplane will not be unavailable. During this time, I will try to conserve these feelings, as my skills are only beginning to develop. It would be better to practice as frequently as possible, but sometimes it is not possible.





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