Today’s flight was especially beautiful.
Previously, the sky was clear with no clouds in sight. On a sunny day, everything appears blue and homogeneous. However, today is totally different; one can see clouds of various sizes and shapes. Initially, it can be a little bit scary, as these cute, fluffy, and innocuous things are very dangerous in reality. One can see nothing inside them, but that’s not the worst part.
Just imagine being inside a boiling kettle, even if you’re wearing thermal-protected clothes, you’re still inside. You’re dashed in random directions with random speeds, and you can easily hit the walls or floor. But I have to admit, the clouds are still very beautiful.

After some time, I realized how to avoid them, and it became a bit easier and more interesting. However, time and distance estimation still could be challenging.
As we started to make the first traffic patterns and landings, I realized that while I knew the theory, I had no real experience. As the Earth became closer, my tension increased. I had plenty of time when I was in the air, but almost no time when I was close to the Earth. And I must say, our planet is very firm, which I did not notice before 🙂
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