Month: July 2017

  • Chasing Flight Hours: A Pilot’s Excursion to the North-West of Prague

    Every pilot should have a minimum flight time before taking an exam. For the modular commercial pilot program in Europe, it should be 200 hours of total time. I am currently continuing to gain these flight hours. Today, I decided to fly to the North-West, where I found a nice aerodrome with a concrete runway.…

  • I’m A Little Black Rain Cloud, of Course

    I’m just a little white rain cloudHovering under the honey treeI’m only a little black rain cloudPay no attention to me… Sometimes the weather just doesn’t want to cooperate. Today, one of these rain clouds demanded my attention. Although the clouds look gorgeous, they are also scary. This one in particular may not seem dangerous,…

  • Improving My Pilot Skills with Holiday Flying

    I don’t work on holidays, which means I can fly more, or at least, work less if the weather doesn’t permit flying. Today, the weather is great, so I can practice my landings. Practicing more landings helps gaining skills, and different aerodromes aid in that too. Currently, crosswind landings are the most challenging for me,…

  • Mountain and Lake Adventures: A Flight to the Austrian Border

    I have always wanted to see the mountains and lakes near the Austrian border, and they are truly incredible. The only challenge is that one needs to climb up to 6000 feet to get a good view. Luckily, the weather today was perfect for it. I bet that glider pilots would have been envious of…

  • Crossing the Country: A Flight Adventure

    Today, I planned a long cross-country flight. It supposed to literally cover almost half of the country. The weather was not perfect, but acceptable, and I set out towards the east. A significant part of the route went through controlled airspace, making my workload higher than usual. As I’m not yet used to talking to…

  • Exploring New Routes: Flying to Stankovice

    The morning weather was not cooperating, and I thought my flight would be cancelled. But around 10 am, the clouds started to dissipate and the weather briefing showed no thunderstorms in the near future, so it seemed like we could take off after all! Our route today was to the southeast, and I was excited…

  • Flying Adventures: 100$ Hamburger Flight

    Today was a great day for me as I had the opportunity to fly a lot, and I am thrilled about it. I started with touch-and-goes at my home aerodrome, then took a short flight to LKPLES, which has a runway that is 1640 feet long and 15 meters wide. That airfield is pretty close…

  • Exploring New Runways: A Day of Challenging Landings

    Today, I finally had the opportunity to fly again. I know that landing and approaches are still my weak points, so I decided to practice them extensively. I flew to six different airports to increase the challenge. I started at my home aerodrome, which has a wide, long runway that I am familiar with. Then…

  • Resuming Flight Practice: Dealing with Turbulence

    After a break of about two months, I resumed my flying practice. The school required me to fly only with a safety pilot as my experience is still low. We took off normally, flew the standard pattern, and as we turned onto the base leg, we encountered a sudden and powerful downdraft. I began preparing…

  • Passing My IFR English Exam: A Step Towards Instrument Rating

    Today, I passed my IFR English exam, which is a requirement for the Instrument Rating in Europe. Although I don’t plan to obtain the European IR at the moment, I thought it would be beneficial to take the exam since my English skills are quite good. It was not hard at all, even with no…